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For information on Weddings at St Nicolas
please click here


The church is in the mainstream Anglican tradition and worship is centred on the celebration of the Eucharist. Vestments are worn and servers and choir are robed. Incense is used on occasions at major feast days. The services follow Common Worship and vary to accommodate the different congregations.

Sunday Worship follows the monthly pattern shown below:



8.30 am

Said Holy Communion (Common Worship – Order One Traditional)


On the second Sunday, the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is used.



10.00 am

Parish Eucharist with Common Worship – Order One Contemporary being used on the first, second fourth and fifth Sundays and Traditional Language on the third Sunday.


Any changes to the regular services will be shown in the   downloadable weekly newsletter .



6.00 pm

On the first Sunday BCP sung Evensong.

For information on Baptisms at St Nicolas
please click here

Prayers for Healing is held on the first and third Mondays of the month at 9.00am unless it is a Bank Holiday.
The church is served by a sacristan, with assistants to help out as necessary; one verger, a team of sidesmen and two intercessors who lead the prayers at the 10.00 service. Old and New Testament readings at these services are read by members of the congregation. There are strongly committed teams of flower arrangers and cleaners who keep the church looking attractive at all times.

St. Nicolas’ enjoys good relations with the churches of Shoreham and district, and especially with St. Julian's and St Giles' in the parish of Kingston Buci, with whom we form a united benefice. You can find full details of services at all three churches in the downloadable weekly newsletter