
Worship and Services Church Life History
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St Nicolas'
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Christmas Decorations

Sunday 22nd December 6pm
Nine Lessons and Carols

Hear the Christmas story, listen to the choir and join in the singing of popular carols.
The service will be followed by festive refreshments. All welcome.



Tuesday 24th December 3pm
Crib Service
An interactive short service telling the Christmas story,
with families and young children particularly in mind.

 Tuesday 24th December 11.30pm
Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25th December 9am
Christmas Day Morning Service


Saturday December 7th
St Nicolas Quiz Night
6.30 - 9.30 pm at St Nicolas and St Mary
CE Primary School.  

Fish and chips supper included
Bring your own cutlery/condiments
Cash bar available
Tickets at £10 available from Sue Bartlett 01273 462 951
or Gill Powell 01273 464 372 or
online at trybooking.com/uk/EBLU (a small processing fee applies)

Come along to
Hymns and Pimms
Saturday 29th June 2024 3.00 pm

Enjoy a summer afternoon singing popular hymns,
accompanied by a glass of Pimms or wine, or a non-alcoholic drink!
All welcome.

was held on
Sunday 21st April 2024 at 11.15am in St Nicolas Church
followed immediately by the

Click on the links below to access the documents for the meetings

2024 APCM Agenda
2023 APCM Minutes
2023 Trustees Annual Report
2023 Accounts of the Friends of St Nicolas
2023 Churchwardens Report

Holy Week & Easter Services 2024

Palm Sunday: 24th March

8.30 am Eucharist
10.00 am Parish Eucharist with Procession of Palms
6.00 pm Tenebrae Service
This is an ancient tradition which marks the descent into darkness.
As we sing psalms and listen to readings candles are extinguished until we sit in darkness.
All are welcome as we start our observance of Holy Week.

Wednesday of Holy Week: 27th March
7.00 pm Eucharist & Compline

Maundy Thursday: 28th March
7.30 pm United Benefice Eucharist with Footwashing

Good Friday: 29th March
(At St Julian's)

2.00 pm Liturgy of Good Friday

Easter Day: 31st March
8.30 am Eucharist
10.00 am Parish Eucharist
Our 10.00 am service on Easter Day will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt!


Saturday 23rd September 6.30 for 7pm

An evening with Norman Stevens, retired gilder from the Royal Pavilion Conservation team
who beautifully regilded our restored weather vane.
Talk starts at 7.00pm, with an interval, finishing approximately at 9.00pm.
FREE ADMISSION with a retiring collection for “Friends of St Nicolas”.

Saturday 16th September - Coffee Morning
(in aid of  MacMillan Cancer Support)
Saturday 26th August - Coffee Morning
Saturday 22nd July  - Coffee Morning
Saturday 17th June - Coffee Morning
Saturday 20th May - Coffee Morning

The May event raised over £300.

The Big Help Out Day: 8 May
(This was part of the celebrations to mark the Coronation of King Charles.)
Many thanks to the group of volunteers of all ages
who did sterling work tidying and weeding St Nicolas Churchyard.
Thanks also to those who provided coffee and home-made biscuits to fortify the workers.
The churchyard is looking so much better. 

Holy Week & Easter Services 2023

Palm Sunday: 2 April  

8.30am Eucharist
10am Parish Eucharist with Procession of Palms
6pm Tenebrae Service
This is an ancient tradition which marks the descent into darkness.
As we sing psalms and listen to readings candles are extinguished until we sit in darkness.
All are welcome as we start our observance of Holy Week.

Tuesday of Holy Week: 4 April
7.30pm Choral Compline (supported by Shoreham Chamber Choir)

Wednesday of Holy Week: 5 April
7pm Eucharist & Compline

Good Friday: 7 April
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday

Easter Day: 9 April
8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)
10am Parish Eucharist
Our service on Easter Day will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt!

Saturday 25th February10.00-12.30
(Note - 4th Saturday in February)

Come and enjoy the regular favourites,
or test out a newcomer - Date & Almond Toffee Cake.
UPDATE: Calling all marmalade fans!
A new stock of marmalade varieties will be available.
They sell quickly, so don't miss out.

Christmas Decorations

18th December 6pm

Nine Lessons and Carols

24th December 3pm

Crib Service

 24th December 11.30pm

Midnight Mass

25th December 10am

Family Eucharist on Christmas Day

Saturday December 17th 10.00-12.30
Coffee Morning 

Coffee morning pics

Come along to the coffee morning at St Nicolas Church, Old Shoreham
enjoy good company in the surroundings of this beautiful ancient building.
There's always a selection of delicious cakes, both regular favourites and exciting new tastes
to eat in or take away, and also jams made from local fruit.
Well behaved dogs are welcome to bring their humans.
Why not call in for refreshments and a warm up after a stroll by the river?
And remember, you CAN eat your cake (at the church) AND have it (as a take-away)!

Tuesday December 13th 19.30
Advent Concert

The Shoreham Chamber Choir is performing an Advent concert on the theme "O Magnum Mysteriosum".
This will include a compilation of poetry and seasonable music with guest readers
and accompaniment by a consort of viols known as the Pastores Ensemble.
Entry at the door is by a minimum donation of £7.50 which includes a full programme.

Saturday December 3rd
St Nicolas Quiz Night

Over 80 people attended what was an extremely enjoyable and successful evening.
Saturday 19 November 19.00
The Art of the Goldsmith: Dunstan Pruden and his Legacy

by Anton Pruden, Technical Director of Pruden & Smith Goldsmiths, Ditchling,
and grandson of Dunstan Pruden. We enjoyed a fascinating and informative presentation and saw some beautiful work. The retiring collection raised £60 in aid of Sussex Night Stop

Sunday September 25th 8.30 or 10.00
Harvest Festival Food Bank Logo
This Sunday we're celebrating Harvest Festival in St Nicolas church.
You can help local people by bringing gifts of food (tinned or dry goods, please) to the 8.30 am (said Eucharist) or the 10.00 am (choral Eucharist) services.  Your gifts will be delivered to the Shoreham & Adur Community Foodbank, where they will be much appreciated.

Saturday September 24th 10.00-12.30
The Coffee Morning (in aid of Macmillan) 
raised the splendid sum of £334 to help Macmillan Cancer Support

17th September 2022 18:30
The anniversary of the death of Lydia Yavorska, Princess Bariatinsky,
who is buried in St Nicolas' churchyard in Old Shoreham, falls in September.
Covid unfortunately prevented commemoration of the centenary
so we held this ‘centenary-plus-one’ concert for Princess Bariatinsky,
to which we welcomed, as a special VIP guest… Princess Bariatinsky.

The Brighton & Hove Russian Choir presented a varied concert of traditional lyrical and dance songs,
Art Songs (Romances) from the 18th-19th centuries, beautiful harmonies in classical pieces by Tchaikovsky and others,
and Orthodox liturgical pieces by Rachmaninov and Tchesnokov. 
The Concert raised over £400 for the Friends of St Nicolas' and the audience generously donated £285

for the Red Cross DEC appeal for humanitarian aid in Ukraine or its bordering countries.

Ride and Stride
Saturday 10th September 09.00-17.00
Ride and Stride
We would like to invite you all to take part in the event by either riding or striding
around the Historic Churches in the area between 9am and 5pm and being sponsored for doing so.
You can also be sponsored for sitting in church
and greeting those who come to our churches as part of the event.
Volunteers wanted to welcome the visiting cyclists and walkers at St Nicolas.
Signup sheet will be available in church or please contact Gill or Sue.


Sunday 4th September 10.00

(Part of the Family Eucharist)
Do bring your children along for a good start to their school year

Coffee Morning - Saturday 16th July 10.00 - 12.30
Cakes and Jam

Chat to old friends or make new ones, while enjoying a variety of delicious cakes.
Try the new recipes on the menu, or the old favourites, all available to eat in or take away.
You can also stock up with jams made from local fruit.


Jubilee Cream Tea
on Saturday 11th June 14.30 - 16.30

Lots of people came to join the great debate!
Cream on the scone first and jam on top (Devon)?????
Cream teas
Or jam first and cream on top (Cornwall)?????
Delightful weather added the icing on the cakes!

Saturday 21st May 10.00 - 12.30
Cakes and Jam
Chat to old friends or make new ones, while enjoying a variety of delicious cakes.
Try the new recipes on the menu, or the old favourites, all available to eat in or take away.
You can also stock up with jams made from local fruit.

Coffee Morning  on
Saturday 23rd April 10.00 - 12.30
50% of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Children's Society
the charity which fights for the hope and happiness of young people
threatened by abuse, exploitation and neglect.
The other 50% will support the Friends of St Nicolas
who help to maintain our ancient and beautiful church.

Holy Week & Easter Services 2022

10 April Palm Sunday:
8.30am Eucharist
10am Parish Eucharist

12 April Tuesday of Holy Week:
7.30pm Eucharist & Sung Compline

13 April Wednesday of Holy Week:
9.30am Eucharist

15 April Good Friday:
10am Family Service
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday

17 April Easter Day:
8.30am Eucharist
10am Parish Eucharist

Easter eggs
There will be an Easter Egg hunt after the 10am service on Easter Day.
Do come and join us.

Thanks to everyone who supported the
Coffee Morning
and/or the Song for Spring Concert on 19th March
Through your generosity we were able to donate £800
 to the Disasters Emergency Committee
co-ordinating humanitarian aid for Ukraine

Pray for Ukraine Free Stock Photo | picjumbo

We are sorry that the Coffee morning planned for
Saturday 18th December had to be cancelled


Saturday 20 November 10-12.30
Cake together
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics

October 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics

In October there will be events in the church as part of Shoreham Wordfest
Saturday 2 October
19.30 Blood and Gold - Mara Menzies
Saturday 16 October
14.00 and 16.00 Jane Austen at Home

PLEASE NOTE THAT Women in Jazz is Sold Out
and has been RELOCATED to the Methodist Church Hall to provide more seating

For more information and tickets see the Shoreham Wordfest website

Saturday 25 September 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Coffee mornings are resuming and this one will be
in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

 Ride & Stride
Saturday 11th September 09.00-17.00
 Ride and Stride
We would like to invite you all to take part in the event by either riding or striding around the Historic Churches in the area between 9am and 5pm and being sponsored for doing so. You can also be sponsored for sitting in church and greeting those who come to our churches as part of the event.
Volunteers wanted to welcome the visiting cyclists and walkers at St Nicolas. Signup sheet will be available in church or please contact Gill or Sue.

Also on Saturday 11th September between 10.30-15.30,
as part of English Heritage Open Day there will be guided tours of the church,
together with rolling slideshows about the church, Old Shoreham and our Russian Princess.


Christmas Decorations

Thursday 24 December Christmas Eve:
2:20 PM, 3:00 PM and 3:30 PM Crib Services in St Nicolas' Churchyard
11:30 PM Midnight Mass

As we are moving into Tier 4 on Boxing Day
public worship scheduled for Sunday 27 December has been cancelled.
A streamed service will be available through Facebook at 10:00 AM

owing to Coronavirus restrictions
but coffee mornings continued as 'Virtual Coffee Mornings'
thanks to volunteers who took orders and delivered cakes.

Sat 15 February 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
With Len unable to attend, Felicity was in sole charge,
but a band of willing helpers rallied round
and the sum of £243 was raised for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Sat 8 February 7.30 pm
Jazz @ St Nics
Sea Jam Quintet
Perform their own unique version of music
from the Great American Song book,
plus a selection of Brazilian Bossa Novas.

Sat 18 January 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
Chocolate Guinness Cake, Ginger Cake , Coffee Walnut Cake
and Carrot
Cake - these are such firm favourites that
there would be an outcry if they failed to appear!
But Len also caters for those who like variety
and this month we also have Pear & Ginger Pavlova (gf),
Lemon & Polenta Cake, and Amaretti & Raspberry Cake.
Those who like to start with a savoury are in for a treat.
As well as the ever-popular Cheese Scones (gf version available),
this month a delicious newcomer makes its debut,
Cheese Straws (gf) so good that they may distract you from the cakes!
Come along to enjoy the food and the company . . .
and don't forget to bring a plastic box for your take-aways,
it will be a whole month before the next opportunity!

Sat 11 January 19.00 for 19.30
Shuffleboard evening
A challenging and addictive game!
The admission charge included a Ploughman's Supper
making it a sociable and fun evening which raised over £200
for the Friends of St Nicolas to help maintain our beautiful church.
This will be a fun evening for all ages


Christmas Decorations

Sunday Dec 22nd, 18.00
Nine Lessons and Carols Service
A service at which we hear the Christmas story and sing Christmas carols.
Followed by mulled wine and mince pies
About one hour long.

Tuesday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 15.00
Crib Service
An interactive short service telling the Christmas story,
with families and young children particularly in mind.
About 30 – 45 minutes long.

Tuesday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 23.30
Midnight Mass
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Wednesday Dec 25th, Christmas Day, 9.45
Parish Eucharist
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Sunday Dec 29th, 9.45
United Benefice Service
at St Julian's Church

About one hour long.

Coffee & Cakes @St Nics
Sat 14 December 10.00 – 12.30
A wonderful selection of Cakes, Jams and Pickles and gifts
a tombola, and a shuffleboard to try,
made for another entertaining event which raised a record £450
to support the maintenance of our beautiful church.

Sat 14 December 19.30
Shoreham Chamber Choir presents
Welcome Yule
A delightful evening of lovely seasonal solos and choral music
as well as well-known carols,
which raised an impressive £342 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Sat 7 December 19.00
Patronal Festival Quiz Night
at St Nicolas and St Mary's School
Tickets to include Fish & Chip Supper
Bar available

Fri 6 December 12.30
Harp and Voice - Lunchtime Concert
Deborah Alannah (Mezzo) and Alexandra King (Harp)
Faure, Vaughan Williams, Donizetti
Tickets £3 available on the door

Coffee & Cakes @St Nics
Sat 16 November 10.00 – 12.30

Chocolate and Orange Polenta Cake (gf),
Ginger Cake , Coffee Walnut Cake , Carrot
Pear, Cinnamon & Almond Cake (gf),
Dorset Apple Cake, Cheese Scones (gf version available),
not forgetting the must-have Chocolate Guinness Cake
and, making its debut, Dundee Cake.
There will be a raffle with some wonderful prizes,
and the opportunity to buy some attractive Christmas Gifts.
Please come along to enjoy the food and the company.

Sun 3 November 18.00
All Souls Requiem
Join us to pray for loved ones who are no longer with us,
and to light a candle for them if you wish.
Please stay after the service for a coffee with us.

Sat 19 October 10.00 – 16.00
Coffee morning and Arts & Crafts Fair

Visitors were able to make a day of it, by starting with coffee and cake.
It was a difficult choice from a huge selection of cakes and scones.
Then they could peruse stalls showing the splendid items local crafts people had created,
including this magnificent dolls house which attracted a lot of attention.
Dolls house
Between 12.00 - 14.00 visitors could recharge their batteries with a ploughman's lunch
before checking out the crafts stalls again for interesting Christmas presents
and rounding off with another coffee and cake or collecting some take-aways for later!
All the hard work by Len & Felicity made for a wonderful social event
and raised an impressive £740 for the Friends of St Nicolas/

Sat 21st September 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
 Len's ever popular Chocolate Guinness Cake
was joined by
Coffee Walnut, Ginger, Cherry & Almond, Carrot and Lemon Drizzle Cakes,
as well as Gluten Free version of the Lemon Drizzle Cake
and a GF newcomer - Rhubarb and Custard Cake!
And if that weren't enough, Banana Bread, Fruit Loaf and Cheese Scones
added to the incentive to enjoy the morning - and all in a good cause.
This month's coffee morning raised  £372 for Macmillan Cancer Support

Ride & Stride
Saturday 14th September 09.00-17.00
 Ride and Stride

This year was particularly important and was a way of saying thank you
to the Trust as they made a grant to us at St Nicolas' Church towards the redecoration.

Sat 17 August 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
Greedy Cat

So you'll need to come along and get your own!
Another delicioius social event which raised £211 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Sat 20 July 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
Treats in Sstore

Along with old favourites Chocolate Guinness, Coffee Walnut, Fruit Loaf, Ginger and Carrot Cakes 
there were Lemon & Raspberry Layer Cake (GF) and Blueberry, Orange & Polenta Cake (GF).

Sat 15 June 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
June Menu

Saturday 18 May 10-12.30
Coffee morning PLUS mini Plant Sale.
Cake        Plant Sale

 Sat 1 June 9.30 – 4.00 Beating the Bounds
Beating the Bounds
A walk starting from St Nicolas Church
amidst the glorious scenery of the South Downs,
which can be as long or short as you like -
transport is available so that
you can join or leave the route at various points.

Saturday 4 May 7.30 pm
Roots and Wings
A wonderful programme of roots music, celtic folk and originals
was given by Alex Urquhart, Chris Eaton and Emily Barden
and raised £340 for the Friends of St Nicolas.
If you missed it, check out the music samples below
and watch out for their next concert at St Nic's.
Folk in Woods
Folk in the woods on Easter Monday
Alex and Chris playing ‘Long Furlong’ by Chris Eaton
Emily and Chris playing ‘Last Train Home’ by Emily Barden

2019 Lent Easter
Download a PDF showing all services and events

Sat 13 April
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Treats in Sstore

Along with old favourites Chocolate Guinness, Coffee Walnut, Ginger and Carrot Cakes and Bread Pudding
were the excellent newcomers: Battenburg Layer Cake, Rhubarb and Ginger Scones,
Rhubarb Crumble Cake (GF)
and, a special for Easter, Simnel Cake.
They were enthusiastically sampled,
and raised a record £338 for the Friends of St Nicolas

Song For Spring
Sat 16th March 7.30pm
A gorgeous varied programme of solo song, duets and instrumental music,
was presented by local musicians and their friends.
It was a marvellous evening which raised £238 for the Friends of Nicolas.

Sat 16th March 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
The terrible weather could not keep people away from the lure of Len's cakes,
and the tasty event raised a further £155 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 2 March at 7.00 pm
Choir Concert
Whole Choir
a wonderful musical evening was presented by the junior choir,
with contributions by the adult choir,
and the event raised £155 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 16 February at 7.30pm

gave us a wonderful evening of rhyhmic music and song to suit all tastes,
which raised nearly £400 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Sat 16 February 10.00 – 12.30 Coffee morning
The tempting menu included Chocolate Guinness, Coffee & Walnut, Ginger, and Carrot Cakes
while the GF range featured Chocolate Sponge, Victoria Sponge and Chocolate and Orange Polenta Cake.
The treats on offer raised £225 for the Friends of St Nicolas' as well as additional donations to the Re-decoration appeal.

Sat 19 January 10.00 – 12.30

As well as favourites such as Chocolate Guinness, Ginger, Coffee Walnut and Carrot Cakes,
the GF range at January's coffee morning included Chocolate Sponge.
Len had also
been busy over Christmas thinking up new tastes
so there was Fruit Pavlova (GF) and Epiphany Cake (GF) to enjoy .
Great for take-aways were Fruit Loaf (to spread with butter, or cream cheese)
and Bread Pudding (to serve hot or cold, with custard or ice-cream - or both!)
Another great social occasion which raised £225 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 5 January at 7.00pm
Entertainment for Twelfth Night
Harmonia Trio
Although reduced to a Duo by illness, Harmonia gave us another delightful musical evening
which raised £227 for the Friends of St Nicolas.


Christmas Decorations

Sunday Dec 23rd, 6pm
Nine Lessons and Carols Service
A service at which we hear the Christmas story and sing Christmas carols.
Followed by mulled wine and mince pies
About one hour long.

Monday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 3pm
Crib Service
An interactive short service telling the Christmas story,
with families and young children particularly in mind.
About 30 – 45 minutes long.

Monday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 11.30pm
Midnight Mass
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Tuesday Dec 25th, Christmas Day, 9.45am
Parish Eucharist
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Please Note: There will be no 8.30am service today
About one hour long.

Sunday Dec 30th, 9.45am
United Benefice Service
at St Nicolas' Church

About one hour long.

Saturday 8 December 7.00 pm
at St Nicolas' and St Mary's School in Eastern Avenue
??? Patronal Festival Quiz Night ???
with fish and chip supper included
Fish and Chips
Once again we were challenged by Helen's ingenious puzzles
and the event raised £245 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 8 December 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics


Another wonderful social session with new cakes to try
which raised well over £300 for church music

Saturday 17 November 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
The session was very well attended and the wonderful range of cakes,
with some delightful new additions, was greatly enjoyed.
The event raised an amazing £325.

Saturday 10 November 7.30pm
Accordion Concert

Appalling weather reduced the audience size,
but those who braved the elements were rewarded with a great musical evening,
which raised £100 for the Friends of St Nicolas'.

Saturday 20 October 10-16.30 AND Sunday 21 October 12.00-16.00
Arts & Crafts Weekend @ St Nics
A most enjoyable time was had by all at this new venture for St Nicolas'
which raised well over £600 for the Friends of St Nicolas' and church music.

Saturday 6 October 7.30 pm
Breeze Concert
The beautiful voices and exquisite harmonies of Breeze, in a varied programme of light music,
delighted the audience who braved the rain to attend, and generously donated £135 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 15 September 7.30pm
"In Search of a Princess"
Lydia as Tsaritsa Maria in The Death of Ivan the Terrible, colourised by Klimbim 
An audio-visual presentation on the travels, trials and tribulations
of the search for the story of the life of the Russian Princess
buried in the churchyard of Old Shoreham.
Generous donations to the retiring collection raised over £200
for the Friends of St Nicolas who maintain our beautiful church.

Saturday 15 September 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Len's tempting new offerings were completely sold out
and raised an amazing £455 for Macmillan Cancer Support
Combined with English Heritage Open Day 10.00-16.00
there were guided tours of the church throughout the day.

Ride & Stride
Saturday 8th September 10.00-16.00
 Ride and Stride
The church welcomed the Riders and Striders with light refreshments. 

Tuesday 28 August at 7.30 p.m.
Workshop performance
The audience enjoyed workshop performances of a wide range of music,
fand were then treated to tasty food and drink to help the Choir celebrate their residence at St Nicolas'.
A delightful evening which also raised £158 for the upkeep of the church.

Saturday 18 August 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
The church was packed with folks enjoying the social
and Len's superb cakes.

The event raised an impressive £196.

Saturday 4 August 13.30-16.00
The Open Garden in aid of the Children's Society
was extremely successful, raising £194.
However, it was also a delightful social event,
enjoying delicious cakes in a beautiful setting.

Saturday 21 July 10.30-14.30
Extended Coffee morning
and Mini Fair with Ploughman's Lunches

A wonderful time on a beautiful day which raised £840
of which £420 goes to 4Sight Vision Support

Saturday 7 July
United Benefice Outing to the F.S.W. ‘Open Garden’ event at Westdean, Seaford Family Support Work.
United Benefice Outing
Everyone clearly enjoyed the chance to spend a beautiful day in beautiful surroundings!

Saturday 23 June 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
It keeps getting harder to choose from the delightful cakes on offer!
This time they included long-standing favourites Carrot , Coffee and Walnut,
Ginger, and Chocolate Guinness Cakes, together with a recent addition, the tasty Porter Cake.
Len has brought back from his travels a recipe for a Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake
and threw down a challenge to guess the secret ingredient.
In case you're still wondering, it was Quinoa - and delicious!
As well as providing a delightful opportunity to socialise, the event raised over £130.

Saturday 16 June 7.30 pm
Swing into Summer
with Nicole Matthews and James Wilson-Smith
Nicole and James
A delightful musical evening, with delicious refreshments,
which raised over £113 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 19 May 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
and Plant Sale
Coffee Morning Treats

A wonderful session which raised an impressive £345.

Saturday 5 May
Beating the Bounds
Beating Bounds 2012
The hardy walkers were rewarded with a beautiful day
amidst the glorious scenery of the South Downs.

Thursday 26 April in St Nicolas' Church
7.30 pm (Doors and bar open 7.00 pm)
A great evening which also raised £150 for the Friends of St Nicolas.


Saturday 21 April 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
A really good turnout on this sunny day made for
 a great social occasion which raised £190.

Saturday 17 March 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Another great social which raised £167.

Saturday 3 March
It was with great regret that we had to postpone the concert

Accordions@St Nic's
 because of the adverse weather conditions.
Watch the events page for a new date.

Saturday 17 February 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Coffee Morning Treats
Coffee, chat, and Len's legendary cakes
raised an impressive £155.

Saturday 3 February 7pm Choir Concert
(featuring both the senior and junior choirs)
As well as giving us a wonderful musical evening
the event raised nearly £200 for the Friends of St Nicolas.

Saturday 20 January 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
In spite of a cold wet morning people flocked into the church
for their monthly treats, and the event raised over £160.
Once again, all thanks are due to Len & Felecity for their hard work.

Saturday 6 January 2018 7.00pm
Doors open and bar available from 6.30pm

Entertainment for Twelfth Night
A concert by the Harmonia Trio
Harmonia Trio
We enjoyed another delightful musical evening
Liz Shepley and her friends
which raised £330 for the Friends of St Nicolas.
During the interval the draw was made for the raffle of
a book on Jane Austen signed by Lucy Worsley and a DVD.
The raffle raised a further £100 for the Friends.



Sunday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 3pm
Crib Service
An interactive short service telling the Christmas story,
with families and young children particularly in mind.
About 30 – 45 minutes long.

Sunday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 11.30pm
Midnight Mass
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Monday Dec 25th, Christmas Day, 8.30am
About 45 minutes long.

Monday Dec 25th, Christmas Day, 9.45am
Parish Eucharist
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Sunday Dec 31st, New Year's Eve, 10.00am
United Benefice Service
at St Julian's Church
About one hour long.

Sunday Dec 17th, 6pm
Nine Lessons and Carols Service
A service at which we hear the Christmas story and sing Christmas carols.
Followed by mulled wine and mince pies
About one hour long.

Saturday 9 December 7.00 pm
at St Nicolas' and St Mary's School in Eastern Avenue
Quiz Night with Fish & Chip supper
As usual, Helen Harvey devised some novel and intriguiging questions to challenge the teams.
The enjoyable evening, with an excellent fish and chip supper raised £201.

Saturday 9 December 10-12.30
Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Another enjoyable and successful session which raised an impressive £226.

Saturday 25th November 7.30pm in St Nicolas' Church
"Along The Road With Cotillion"
Cotillion returned to St Nicolas' and gave us a wonderful evening
of catchy songs and rhythms, spiced with humour.
which raised £250 for the Friends of St Nicolas who maintain the fabric of our beautiful historic church.

Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Saturday 18 November 10-12.30
Another tasty and fun session raised £285.

On Sunday 29 October 4.00 pm at St Mary de Haura, New Shoreham
 there took place an

Ecumenical Service for the Year of the Bible
at which the Shoreham Gospels were dedicated
by the Right Revd Richard Jackson, Bishop of Lewes.
More reports and pictures HERE

Coffee and Cakes @ St Nics
Saturday 21 October 10-12.30
Another lively and well-attended session raised over £200.

It wa also a chance to get a preview of the Shoreham Gospels ,
which many of you supported with your work.

Saturday 7 October 10.30-12.30
We are delighted to report that the
Coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support
raised just over £300.

Cake1 Coffee & Cake AND PLOUGHMANS @ St Nics
Saturday 9 September 10-16.00

In addition to the superb cakes and delicious jams and chutneys, ploughmans lunches will also be available to sustain the hungry riders and striders, visitors to the church, and other discerning 'foodies'!

Ride & Stride

Saturday 9th September 10.00-16.00
Ride and Stride/Heritage Open Day
The church will welcome the Riders and Striders with refreshments,
and there will be guided tours of the church throughout the day for visitors to the Heritage Open Day.
You can also take the opportunity to enjoy the treats described above!

Cake1 Coffee & Cake @ St Nics
Saturday 19 August 10-12.30
As well as a wonderful array of cakes, including Coffee and Walnut cake, Carrot cake, Sticky Rhubarb cake, and Chocolate Guinness Cake
Len produced a new supply of his delicious jams, marmalades and pickles made from the freshest seasonal fruits.
With a raffle to add the fun, the event raised £207.

Saturday 15 July 10-14.00
Coffee & Cake @ St Nics


PLUS mini Fair, Ploughman's Lunches, Pimms tent,
book stall, bring & buy, tombola and other events

A delightful day which raised over £630

The Coffee Morning and Barbecue on Saturday 17 June 10.00-2.00
was a great social event on a lovely day and raised over £300


aturday 20 May 10-12.30
Coffee & Cake @ St Nics
PLUS mini Plant Sale

 Another very popular and well supported session
which raised nearly £270.
Plant saale

Saturday 27 May from 9.30
Beating the Bounds
Beating Bounds 2012
Taking in the boundaries of the United Benefice of St Nicolas, St Julian and St Giles.
Starting at St Nicolas' Church at 9.30am
and calling in at St Julian's at about 10.30am,
before heading out over the downs and returning to St Nicolas' at about 3.30pm.
Always an enjoyable social event amidst beautiful scenery
with wonderful views of Shoreham and Southwick.
Transport is available to and from various points on the route if you don't want to do the full circuit

Saturday 22 April  Coffee Morning
NOTE - 4th Saturday because of Easter

Treats this month included:
 Coffee and Walnut cake, Carrot cake,
Ginger cake, Simnel cake,
Chocolate Easter cake (gluten free),
Sticky Rhubarb and Ginger cake (gluten free)

Sunday 2 April 6.00 pm
First published in the 1950s, the devotion "The Cross of Christ" has been a firm favourite ever since.
It has wide appeal at the period leading up to Passiontide, recalling Christ's suffering and death on  the cross.
It features readings from the Gospels, prayers, hymns and beautiful anthems,
including "Ave verum corpus" by W.A Mozart, and "O Saviour of the World" by John Goss.

Saturday 18 March
Those lucky enough to attend the Coffee Morning discovered new treats, such as Chocolate Guinness, Tea Fruit Cake and Dorset Apple,  as well as the old favourites like Coffee & Walnut, Carrot, and Ginger cakes , with mugs or cups of coffee and tea, or soft drinks - all to enjoy while chatting with old friends or making new ones.

Thursday 16 March 7.00 pm in St Nicolas' Church
Amon Henry Wilds and the Ammonite Capital: Hallmark of Brighton & Hove
Grave of AH Wilds AHWilds gravestone 
Arundel Terrace Kemp Town  Ammonite Capital 
Brighton is renowned for its impressive buildings, which give the city its distinctive Regency-era character.
The architects responsible for thousands of these buildings, most of which survive today and many are listed,
were a partnership which included Amon Wilds and his son Amon Henry Wilds.
Their distinctive trademark feature was an ammonite – a pun on their first names.
Through this fascinating presentation by John Cooper we learned about the men who gave Brighton its distinctive look
and how Amon Henry and his family came to be buried in the churchyard of St Nicolas Old Shoreham.

Saturday 18 February 10.00 am - 12.30 in St Nicolas' Church
Another great social over delicious cakes matched the January figure of £151

Saturday 21 January 10.00 am - 12.30 in St Nicolas' Church
The 3rd Saturday Coffee Morning was packed,
and the gorgeous new gateaux Len devised for the New Year raised £151

Saturday 7 January at 7 p.m. in St Nicolas' Church
Musical event
The Harmonia Trio of female voices presented an evening of folk songs,
spirituals and Christmas leftovers. It was a most enjoyable evening (which we hope will be repeated)
 and also raised £300 for church funds.



Christmas Decorations

Sunday Dec 19th, 18.00
Nine Lessons and Carols Service
A service at which we hear the Christmas story and sing Christmas carols.
About one hour long.
As we are expecting the service to be fairly busy,
please book in advance through this link

Friday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 15.00
Crib Service

An interactive short service telling the Christmas story,
with families and young children particularly in mind.
About 30 – 45 minutes long.

Friday Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, 23.30
Midnight Mass
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Saturday Dec 25th, Christmas Day, 10.00
United Benefice Service
A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the birth of Christ.
About one hour long.

Sunday Dec 26th, Boxing Day, 10.00
Parish Eucharist (traditional language)

Note: No 8.30 service.

Sunday 5th December 18.00
St Nicolas
St Nicolas Patronal Festival -  Evensong

Thursday 2nd December
Christmas Wreath Workshop
Christmas wreath
This fun and creative event raised over £600 for the Friends of St Nicolas.
Thanks to the organising team for all the hard
work which produced such an excellent result.