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See below for details of concert on 18th February
The next Coffee Morning is on
Saturday 15th February 10.00-12.00



Mar 15th,  Apr 26th,  May 10th (NB 2nd Sat),  June 21st,
July 19th,  Aug 16th,  Sept 20th,  Oct 18th,  Nov 15th,  Dec 13th (NB 2nd Sat)
Coffee mornings normally run from 10.00-12.00, usually on the third Saturday in each month,
but sometimes it is necessary to change the date (for example at Christmas),
so keep checking this page and updating your diary,

or use the facility at the top right of this page to be notified when the page is amended.
St Nicolas has gained a reputation for providing a good selection of cakes.
If you can't manage to try all those which catch your eye, then you can take some home,
along with marmalades or jams made from local fruit.

As well as supporting good causes, another important aspect is the way coffee mornings bring people together
for an enjoyable social occasion - meeting old friends, and making new ones.
It is a 'dog-friendly' event and many folk enjoy exercising themselves and their pets along the river bank,
then calling in for a welcome break.

Also see the weekly newsletter for updates.

Tuesday 18th February 7.00 for 7.30pm

All your folk favourites, played and sung by Slipjig.
Join in using the song sheets provided, or just sit back and enjoy the music.
Bar available from 7.00 pm and in interval.  
Free admission. Retiring Collection for the Friends of St Nicolas’ 
who maintain the fabric our our beautiful ancient church.

When you come to the church, don't forget to bring along an item of food,
in a tin or a packet, to put in the collection for Shoreham & Adur Community Foodbank.

Let's provide a bit of cheer for those in Shoreham who are finding things difficult.
(The Foodbank is in Huntington Hall, corner of Gordon Rd and Buckingham Rd
and is open every Friday 10.00 - 12.00.)

St Nicolas' has a tradition of wonderful flower displays in the church,
produced by a dedicated group of arrangers.
Would you like to join them in this rewarding work?

St Nicolas' Church is looking for people to help out with flower arranging
on a rota basis of approximately every 6-8 weeks and at festivals.
We arrange 2 pedestals in the church every 2 weeks.
Flowers are paid for but we usually ask that you supply your own greenery.
If you are interested (or know someone else who might be)
please contact Sue Bartlett by phone (0791 405 0935)
send an email through this website.

Bookmark this page and check back often, or use the facility at the top of the page to receive email updates when events are added or updated.