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There are strong ties between St Nicolas’, St Julian’s and St Giles', the other churches in the Benefice, supporting each other's events and services. There is a shared weekly newsletter.
There is a good relationship between the choirs of St Nicolas’ and St Mary de Haura, combining at major festivals and services such as the Advent Carol Service, the Annual Carol Service, the Town Carol Service, Patronal Festivals, as well as Holy Week and Easter Week programmes and BCP Choral Evensong. 

Shoreham has a Roman Catholic, Baptist and Methodist Church and Shoreham Free Church which together with the five Anglican churches form Shoreham Churches Together. There is also a small Strict Baptist Church, a Quaker Meeting and a newly formed branch of the Church of Christ the King. There are strong ecumenical links within Shoreham Churches Together and many activities take place. These include quarterly joint evening services, services during the week of prayer for Christian Unity, Lent groups or talks, the Women’s World Day of Prayer Celebration, the Good Friday Act of Witness and the Town Christian Aid Collection and a ‘unity’ candle which is passed between the various churches by the laity on a monthly basis. There have also been some social events, a children’s holiday club and a bereavement support group has recently been set up.
We are represented on the Deanery Synod, and reports are made to the PCC.
Our Cathedral Link keeps the Parish informed of events at the Cathedral.