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Coffee Mornings

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PCC 2024

Quiz Night

The PCC  is responsible for developing the website  and raising awareness of the church in the wider community. Among the various activities organised, the monthly coffee mornings is particularly important, having become a very popular social event for the area. 
There is no other large public space in the area covered by the parish and as St Nicolas' has no church hall, the decision was taken to make use of the church building, harking back to medieval times when the church itself was the venue for all community events. In 2024 the church became the focal point for a new heritage organisation, the Friends of Old Shoreham (FOldS). A very successful Heritage Festival took place in the church over 10 days in September 2024, and FOldS members support the coffee mornings and help with maintaining the churchyard.

The church is also the venue for small concerts and musical performances, and is used by a local chamber choir for rehearsals.

There is a Bereavement Group which was started by the church and continues to be supported by it, although it now organises its own activities and supports the newly bereaved.


Folk Concert

Plant Sale